Microsotf Teams Integration Guide for NexusGPT

Integrate your agent into Microsoft Teams with Twilio by following these detailed steps.

To begin, you need to have a Microsoft Teams account and get your credentials. If you don't have a Microsoft Teams account, you can create one by going to this link. You also need to have an Azure account to create a bot. If you don't have an Azure account, you can create one by going to this link.

Once you have your Microsoft Teams and Azure accounts, you can proceed to the next step to configure the bot in the Azure console.

Configure Azure Account Credentials on NexusGPT

  1. Navigate to your Azure console dashboard.
  2. Create an app registration following the steps below.
  • Click on the App registrations tab. App registration - Azure

  • Click on the New registration button.

    App registration - Azure

  • Fill in the Name and Supported account types fields.

  • Click on the Register button.

    App registration - Azure

  • Copy the Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID and save them for later use. App registration - Azure

  1. Create a client secret following the steps below.
  • Click on the Certificates & secrets tab.

  • Click on the New client secret button.

    App registration - Azure

  • Fill in the Description field.

  • Click on the Add button.


    App registration - Azure

  • Copy the Value and save it for later use.

Create Microsoft Teams Integration on NexusGPT

Once you have setup the credentials, you go back to NexusGPT and configure the bot in the Microsoft Teams console. You will be prompted to give a name and a descritpion to your bot and to select the agent you want to use.

You will also need to provide the Application (client) ID, Directory (tenant) ID and Client secret you created before.

Once you have filled in the fields, click on the Create button.

The platform will create the bot and provide you with a webhook URL that you will need to configure in the Azure console, and a zip file containing the bot manifest that you will need to upload in the Microsoft Teams console.

Configure the azure bot

You will need to create a bot in the Azure console and configure it to work with Microsoft Teams.

  1. Navigate to your Azure console dashboard.
  2. Create a bot following the steps below.
  • Click on the Create a resource button. Aure bot

  • Search for Azure Bot and click on the Create button. App registration - Azure

  • Fill in the Bot name and Subscription fields. App registration - Azure

  • Add the Resource group (create a new one if you don't have one). App registration - Azure

  • Select the Creation type to Use existing app registration and select the app registration you created before (Application ID).

  • Click on the Review + create button. App registration - Azure

  1. Configure the bot following the steps below.
  • Go to the Channels tab and click on the Microsoft Teams button. App registration - Azure

  • Accept the terms and click on the Save button. Select the Microsoft Teams channel and click on the Save button. App registration - Azure

  • Go to the Configuration tab and past the webhook URL provided by NexusGPT in the Bot endpoint field and click on the Apply button. App registration - Azure

Add your bot to a microsoft teams

  1. Go to the Microsoft Teams app and click on the Apps tab. Teams crete bot
  2. Click on the Upload an app button. Teams crete bot
  3. Select the Upload an app button and select the package you zip file provided by Nexus Teams crete bot

Test your bot

  1. Go to the Microsoft Teams app and click on the Chat tab.
  2. Click on the New chat button and select your bot.
  3. Start a conversation with your bot and test it.


You have successfully integrated your agent into Microsoft Teams with Twilio. You can now use your bot to interact with your users in Microsoft Teams. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact us on discord or by email at contact@gpt.nexus.