User manual

Welcome to the nexus manual, your comprehensive guide to creating intelligent AI Agents without coding. This manual is designed as a long-form collection of articles to teach you everything about nexus, from the basic setup of your first AI Agent to advanced integrations and customizations.

How to Use This Manual

The nexus manual is crafted to serve both as an in-depth tutorial for building your AI Agents and as a reference for your ongoing journey with nexus. Unlike focusing solely on individual features, this manual explores broader concepts such as agent design, task configuration, and knowledge integration, providing a holistic understanding of AI Agent development.

For those seeking concise, technical details of nexus's features, our Core Reference section will be of great interest.

In addition to this manual, we also offer a range of other resources, including videos, a user community, and interactive tutorials, as mentioned in the "New? Start Here" section.

How to Read the Manual

Think of this manual as a guidebook: you can read it from start to finish or dive into specific sections that interest you the most. If you're just beginning with nexus, we recommend exploring each section to familiarize yourself with the manual's structure. This approach ensures you know where to find detailed information on specific topics when needed.

Manual Sections

Getting Started

Getting Started with nexus

This initial section is crucial for users new to nexus. It covers the essentials of creating and configuring your first AI Agent, including navigating the Agent Builder, integrating tools and knowledge, and understanding the basics of agent interaction.

For those already acquainted with the basics, use the navigation menu to select topics of interest. Below are key areas we'll cover, all designed to be collapsible for easy access:

  • Building Your First AI Agent Dive into planning and developing your first AI Agent, breaking down the idea into manageable tasks, integrating external tools, and designing for user interaction.

    Article Series : Building Your First AI Agent

  • Creating and Managing Agents Learn how to organize and manage multiple AI Agents within your nexus account.

    Article Series: Managing AI Agents on nexus

  • Chatting with your agent Learn the intricacies of nexus chat, from attaching knowledge and documents, selecting the agent to chat with all the way to handy shortcuts

    Article Series: Chatting with your agent

  • Integrating your agent Learn how to integrate your agent into an third-party application in order to use it outside of nexus and make it available to external users

    Article Series: Integrating your agent



The Chat section delves into the interactive core of nexus, focusing on how users can effectively communicate and refine interactions with agents and models. This section is pivotal for understanding real-time collaboration with AI.

  • Main Chat Interface

    Explore the components of the chat interface, including agent selection, document attachment, and skill application.

    Article Series: Main Chat Interface

  • Commands

    A comprehensive guide to shortcuts and commands within the chat, enhancing efficiency in agent and model selection.

    Article Series: Mastering Chat Commands

  • Input Document

    Learn how to incorporate documents into your chat interactions and leverage them for enhanced agent responses.

    Article Series: Utilizing Input Documents in Chat


Tools encompasses the integration and management of external tools within nexus, extending the functionality of your AI Agents.

  • Adding Tools to your toolbox

    From selecting tools on the marketplace to building your own tool by integrating external APIs into nexus, creating a seamless extension of your agent's capabilities.

    Article Series: Adding Tools to your toolbox

  • Managing Tools

    From authenticating your tool to cecurely connect your external tools with nexus, all the way to crafting actions from tools to empower your agent with specific, external API-driven capabilities

    Article Series: Managing Tools



Manage and customize Large Language Models (LLMs) within nexus to enhance the capabilities of your agents. This section delves into how different models can be leveraged, modified, and hosted on nexus.

  • Adding an External Model Integrate external models to nexus, from external providers into nexus or hosting open-source LLMs directly on nexus, including setup, management, and usage considerations, to expand the range of capabilities your agents can access.

    Article Series: Adding an External Models

  • Managing Models Explore how to manage models, from linking to new tasks to adjusts model parameters such as temperature and top P to fine-tune responses and behaviors.

    Article Series: Managing Models


Incorporate your AI agents into existing applications and websites seamlessly. This section covers everything from the foundational elements of integrations to specific platform connections.

  • Core Elements Familiarize yourself with the essentials of creating integrations for nexus agents, including setting up names, descriptions, and agent configurations.

    Article Series: Essentials of Agent Integration

  • WhatsApp Integration Dive into integrating your agent with WhatsApp, enabling interactions and functionalities within this popular messaging platform.

    Article Series: Integrating with WhatsApp

  • SMS Integration Learn how to connect your agent with SMS services for direct text interactions and notifications.

    Article Series: Integrating with SMS

  • Facebook Messenger Integration Explore the steps to integrate your agent with Facebook Messenger, opening up a channel for wide-reaching communication.

    Article Series: Integrating with Facebook Messenger

  • Teams Integration Discover how to bring your nexus agent into Microsoft Teams, facilitating collaboration and automation within teams.

    Article Series: Integrating with Microsoft Teams

  • Slack Integration Get your agent working within Slack, enhancing workplace productivity and automation through seamless integration.

    Article Series: Integrating with Slack

  • Website Embedding Embed your AI agent directly into your website, providing visitors with interactive, intelligent engagement options.

    Article Series: Embedding Agents on Websites